Monday, April 16, 2012

Feel Good Classic Youtubing (Owls!!!)

Many have has a youtube video or topic they look up when sad. For my bestfriend it's "Kittens and Yarn," for my beautiful Irishman it's "Husky Puppies." Now I have delighted in many of their videos, but I find reading self-written love letters whist cradling an unopened bottle of wine far quicker alleviates my sadness.

"Your eyes are as bright as a man who has suddenly realized his homosexuality."

But as I comedown from this magical place where pants are optional, but sunglasses are required, I find I still have a sense of emptiness. Much like the day I realized I could not legally marry the sunglasses pictured above.

Truly, I could never find any ring small enough for it's delicate frame.

But low, upon seeing the video below I changed my post wine cradling ritual from masturbation and tears. Lo, a youtube classic:

Lovely Owl

I mean, come on! Look at him! Every single bone in your body melts to angles and jello cake. This is an owl whose viewing could solve the crisis in the middle east, "You are trivializing world politics you say! People are DYING!" you say. "Look at that owl! I say." Just LOOK at him. If he can't solve this problem. . . maybe his friend can!

"Weapons of mass destruction? More like weapons of mass de-hug-tion! Come here you!"
This brilliant video even has a plot that matches to the music, behold, jealous owl! 

Best not show this to any world leaders
The plot is that the owl is jealous. Silly owl. Ooh! Look at the OTHER owls!!
"You know what? Let's forget our religious differences. This owl looks so sad!"
Okay, best put this away before the work productivity of the world falls into disaray. But here's one last owl. . .
I feel an overwhelming sense of love that can only be expressed in terms of candy, glitter and peace treaties.
Seeya later lovely internet folk!

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