Thursday, March 26, 2009

Second Post! Uncreative title!

Hello fantastic internet folk!

How ya'll doin'?!?

. . .

I'm seeing a potential vicious cycle here.

Anyways, not much is happening in my corner of the universe. Other than I man slaughtered my computer screen, but that's old news. My friends mock me, but I can still use the left side. My dad took pity on me though and ordered a new screen. He's installing it. We'll see how this goes.

Today, I made cupcakes. Yes! From scratch! is there any other way, really? Well, yes there is, but I think my mother could bitch slap me if I tried. Baking is a good thing to keep the boredom away. Especially if you're baking with friends. And, I'm not gonna lie, things have gotten a little boring. I'm at my folks place for spring break and it's nice to fall back into a safe place, but it's kinda lonely here. I mean I have friends from high school and my brother's around, but I don't have my tight group of college friends. I'm not with each zany one of them till 1am or whenever the guilt of studying drives me away. People go home round dinner time here, and it makes me a little sad. 

Insert Transition!

The other day my friend helped me come to a tragic and necessary realization: I can't write straight prose. I mean I can write this rambling type stuff, I can write a decent essay and I can write dialogue and thoughts. But I cannot, for the life of me, convey what a person is feeling without actually having them say or think it. I spent about a half hour re-writing a paragraph trying to do it. I did it (yay!) but know I have to virtually rewrite the whole thing. I always though I was a pretty good writer, so I guess this is a good humbling moment.

For some reason I am very tired today. I don't quite know why. I cleaned a helluva lot (making cupcakes from scratch is no easy business, man). But that's about it. I also played, and grew slowly and slowly more angry with, Super Mario Galaxy. The basic levels are pretty easy, but after that by lack of video game skills comes into sharp focus. It's one useless skill I really wish I had. 

Well, goodnight all. I hope you are all doing well in the depths of deep dark cyberspace.

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