Thursday, May 10, 2012

Drunk Batman - Not one, but THREE youtube videos

What is it about the caped crusader we find so engaging? Is it his handsomeness? His richness? His broodiness? Upon reflection, I believe the great question is, why aren't more ladies into the caped crusader?

But this is 1959! There's no more sexism in comics any–oh wait.

All issues aside, Batman is generally pretty awesome. And, for some reason society seems to think he'd be even more awesome drunk. How do judge what society wants? Well, I look to youtube; truly, it expresses the deepest desires and highest hopes of society. 

Quick robin! Get the Bat-vodka!

In this video, we get to see Batman use his deductive reason to unlock the Riddler's clues, which despite Alfred and Robin's foolish doubts, keep leading him to the same place. What horrors await the Bat as he tracks his foe to a no doubt dastardly location!
Drunk, karaoking and thrusting, Batman is still the less flamboyant of the duo

It induces some clever chuckles and the folks at Collegehumor give us some decent production value. And, furthermore, we get to see batman trashed, which is the dream is it not? Our next video also offers "college humor," but here it in the narrator, not our hero who is drunk.

I'd be broody too if I had to deal with a b**** under my cape.

This video fulfills its title's promise in the first five seconds, a man begins to deliver the History of Batman's Wards (there are, like, four apparently) in inebriated soliloquy. His dialogue produces scenes of Robin, Batman and Alfred who follow the narration to a tee and even bust out some pretty good limp syncing. Also, there is this:

Batman would like you to know not only that he named that turkey leg "justice,"
 but that, after much training, that trophy is merely an extension of his fists.

Overall, a charming and informative display of geekiness and silliness, despite, or perhaps because of, the low production value. And yet again, we have intoxication coupled with everyone's favorite Bat. But this will appear mere child's play compared to the superhero blood alcohol content soon to some. Hold on to your childhood, this is going to be a sloshy ride. 

What ever happened to the Caped Crusader? Alcoholism.

These were the old days our parents told us about, where there was one bat-time, one bat-channel, and if you didn't catch it you were the un-groovest kid in school. Here, Adam West dominated the small silver screen that proclaimed "Pow!" in comical letters. It was a time where shark repellent was a necessity on the utility belt. And, if the video below is to be believed, fearlessly defended Gotham  with a crazy and drunken fist. West's amusing and sad ramblings are far too akin to your unemployed, single and forty year old uncle when allowed access to alcohol. 

"You think, you know about the world, college boy?"
"Uncle Adam, you're spilling beer on me."
"You're damn right I am kid, You're damn right."

As the video progresses, Batman offers Superking (an "evil" wrestler of the era) a way out of his villainous ways. He tells him to signal before he turns, and scolds the wrestler for wearing Superman's outfit. If you look closely, you see the interviewer die a little inside.
Two men: one in tights, one in a suit. Only one contemplates suicide. 

At the same, time, who can blame Adam West's inebriation? Hell, if I was batman, I would be drunk all the time. And sassy! And probably less depressed. I mean, I'm a superhero; I'd be having a good time. Oh, my god, I would be... I would be...

I would be doing me all day.